【WONCA:World Organization of Family Doctors】
The World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) is a not-for-profit organization and was founded in 1972 by member organizations in 18 countries. WONCA now has 118 Member Organizations in 131 countries and territories with membership of about 500,000 family doctors and more than 90 per cent of the world’s population. This includes eight organizations in collaborative relations with WONCA. There are some 21 members in the Academic membership category, which consists of Academic Departments of Family Medicine. Over 800 individual general practitioners and family physicians have chose to join WONCA in their own right. Membership of WONCA.
WONCA represents and acts as an advocate for its constituent members at an international level where it interacts with world bodies such as the World Health Organization, with whom it has official relations as a non-governmental organization and is engaged in a number of collaborative projects. The WONCA World Secretariat has transferred from Singapore to Bangkok, in November 2012.
Japan Primary Care Association (JPCA) is the official representative of Japanese family doctors recognized by WONCA. JPCA is belonging to Asia Pacific Region of WONCA.
WONCA’s website : http://www.globalfamilydoctor.com
WONCA represents and acts as an advocate for its constituent members at an international level where it interacts with world bodies such as the World Health Organization, with whom it has official relations as a non-governmental organization and is engaged in a number of collaborative projects. The WONCA World Secretariat has transferred from Singapore to Bangkok, in November 2012.
Japan Primary Care Association (JPCA) is the official representative of Japanese family doctors recognized by WONCA. JPCA is belonging to Asia Pacific Region of WONCA.
WONCA’s website : http://www.globalfamilydoctor.com
【WONCA World Conference】
WONCA’s next world conference comes to Seoul, Korea from October 17 – 21, 2018. The theme of the conference is “Primary Care in the Future: Professional Excellence,” and will cover diverse disciplines of family medicine from the present to the future. For the vision of future family medicine, we plan to offer a dynamic and stimulating array of scientific and practical hands-on programs as well as special events. Find out more.
WONCA World 2018 website: http://www.wonca2018.com/
Announcement : http://www.wonca2018.com/data/WONCA2018_1st_announcement.pdf
WONCA World 2018 website: http://www.wonca2018.com/
Announcement : http://www.wonca2018.com/data/WONCA2018_1st_announcement.pdf
【WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference】
Japan Primary Care Association (JPCA) is a host organization for the WONCA APR Conference 2019, which will be held in Kyoto from May 15 to 18, 2019. WONCA APR conferences have become the most influential events for family physicians/general physicians from Asia Pacific regions. This is the second conference WONCA APR has held here in Kyoto after the last conference in 2005. For many participants, Kyoto is easy to access, and for everyone it is well worth the visit. Its natural beauty and cultural heritage are priceless.
WONCA APR 2019 website : www.c-linkage.co.jp/woncaaprc2019kyoto
WONCA APR 2019 website : www.c-linkage.co.jp/woncaaprc2019kyoto